
Our Musicals

Our Musicals



Heaven opens, I see the glory of the Lord.

Chains was written in 1993 by Kurt Fox with music composed by his brother and Sonshine director, Mark Fox. Chains explores the early life of the Apostle Paul as told in flashback from a jail cell in Rome. Scenes include the trial of Peter and John, the stoning of Stephen, and, finally, Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus. We watch as God works in the life of this angry young man in preparation for his future ministry as an apostle. Costumes, props, lighting, and an exciting contemporary musical score help bring this ancient story to life.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  - Romans 8:38-39


God of peace and of love, to you our voices raise!

Chosen tells the story of Samuel, an Old Testament prophet and leader. The musical traces Samuel’s struggles to lead a sinful and fickle nation during a difficult time in the history of the Hebrew people. Commentary on the story is given by the Everyperson, a character who tries to find meaning and purpose in Samuel’s struggles. Chosen was written by Columbus, Ohio resident Kevin Pike, with the music composed by Sonshine founder and director Mark Fox.

And the Lord said to Samuel: See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle.  - Samuel 3:11

Dream Maker

Yahweh, I hear you in my dreams.

Dream Maker is a contemporary musical drama derived from the Old Testament story of Joseph, known for his coat of many colors and his dreams. The dreams he experiences from God make him an outcast. After being sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, Joseph rises to the position of Governor of Egypt and ultimately holds his brothers’ fate in his hands. Dream Maker was written by Rev. Timothy Forbess and Kevin Pike. The music was composed by Sonshine director Mark Fox.

I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.  - Genesis 45:4-5

Spark from the Ashes

When all of my hope was gone, I looked to You for a brighter dawn.

Spark From the Ashes is the story of a Jewish priest named Jairus who risks his reputation and position to ask a traveling preacher named Jesus to heal his dying daughter. It is a story of faith and trust and, ultimately, the goodness of God. The musical was written by Kurt Fox, a Columbus native and English teacher at Olentangy High School. The script was written in response to the author’s own struggle with his father’s untimely death from cancer. The musical score was composed by Sonshine founder and director, Mark Fox.

Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.
-Mark 5:34
Jesus said to Jairus, Don’t be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed.  - Luke 8:50

Q & A with Director, Mark Fox

Why did you choose to tell these particular stories?

Our writers simply found stories from the Bible that spoke to them about the nature of God and then also provided good opportunities for theatrical storytelling.

What was the creative process involved in their creation?

The writers of the book and lyrics simply presented me with their work to set to music. Since I’m not much of a writer and they were not composers, we simply stayed in our own area of expertise.

Why do these stories still resonate today?

Stories that shed a light on the nature of God will always resonate with spiritual people. They are classic and timeless. There is always something to be learned from them and new ways to experience them.

Why musicals at all, as opposed to straight-up dramatic plays?

Music has that magical power to heighten the drama and emotion of good stories. Music is also an art form that is great to develop in teens.